They were also generally more optimistic about the likelihood of HIV transmission, and they often only used condoms at their partners' instigation. HIV-negative men who engaged in receptive cum play during PAIC often believed that their partner was HIV seroconcordant and tended to trust that partner. Receptive cum play (partner ejaculating or rubbing his semen over participant's anus, or participant using partner's semen as lubricant) was reported by one in six HIV-negative and one quarter of HIV-positive men on the same occasion of protected anal intercourse with a casual partner (PAIC).
We investigated the prevalence of 'cum play' and its context among 1153 HIV-negative and 147 HIV-positive Australian gay men in an online survey. The exchange of semen, often referred to as 'cum play,' has featured in gay literature and may be a unique aspect of many gay men's sexual behavior.